kp@smu.UUCP (04/20/84)
#N:smu:14100002:000:321 smu!kp Apr 20 15:39:00 1984 Consider equations of following type: x^2 - d*y^2 = 1 where x, y, d are all positive integers. Can you give me the least positive integral solutions in x and y, if they exist, for the following equations: (1) X^2 - 961*Y^2 = 1 (2) X^2 - 991*Y^2 = 1 ( Answer next week )
gmf@uvacs.UUCP (04/23/84)
I know the solution to x^2 - 961*y^2 = 1 . It is given on p. 88 of Sierpinski's *Elementary Theory of Numbers* . I also know the solution to x^2 - 991*y^2 = 1. It is given on p. 93. Sierpinski remarks that the solution to one of these illustrates a peril of induction. Additional question: What peril? Gordon Fisher