[net.cycle] What's around for '86

hood@aieio.DEC (My favorite dwarf is Grumpy.) (02/12/86)

This month's issue of Motorcyclist features their annual motorcycle
guide issue (street and on/off-road).  They list 'bout every bike
being marketed, with pix, prices, and descriptions. 

They also have a second review of the Honda (700cc) Nighthawk-S; they
like it just as much this time around as last time.  [If anyone out
there would like to make me an offer (say, around $10k-$20k), I'll be
glad to sell mine.  ;-{) ] 

Unrelated topic:

Here in Massachusetts, motorcycle registrations expire every December
31st.  It costs something like $15.00 for a one-year registration.
Cars' registrations are for two years and cost something like $26.00

I once spent about an hour at the local office of the Registry of
Motor Vehicles talking with the manager, who spent most of that time
on the phone trying to find why it's more expensive to register a
motorcycle than a car.  He got just as lost in the "let-me-transfer-
you-to-office-x" shuffle as I had.

Therefore, the gods are responsible for setting such fees here in the
Commonwealth.  Just out of curiosity, how much does motorcycle
registration etc cost elsewhere? 

(Annual safety and emissions inspections are $10 for cars and $4 for
bikes, because bikes don't get the emissions check.  All other fees
(sales and excise taxes, licenses) are the same for bikes and cars.) 


Tom Hood
Somewhere between Lowell and Littleton,
Digital Equipment Corp.