[net.music] Syd Barrett

nessus@mit-eddie.UUCP (Doug Alan) (06/14/85)

I would like to dispel this vicious rumor that Syd Barret was driven
crazy by doing too much acid!


He was driven crazy by doing too much Mandrax.  I hope that sets the
record straight!

			 "Blinding signs flap
			  Flicker, flicker, flicker blam
			  Pow, pow"

			 Doug Alan

wimp@sphinx.UChicago.UUCP (Jeff Haferman) (06/24/85)

What exactly is "Mandrax"?

nessus@mit-eddie.UUCP (Doug Alan) (06/27/85)

> From: wimp@sphinx.UChicago.UUCP (Jeff Haferman)
> What exactly is "Mandrax"?

I believe that it is a barbituate-like drug that has strange and
permanent effects on those who abuse it.

			"If you want to get into it,
			 You've got to get out of it"

			 Doug Alan

tp@ndm20 (07/10/85)

You mean there are other Hawkwind fans in the world? All right!