[net.cycle] Accessories for K100RS

pag00@amdahl.UUCP (Pria Graves) (07/07/86)

For accessories, San Jose BMW does indeed have them.  However, their
support of the accessories that they sold some time in the past is
non-existant to poor.  I own a '78 R100S which I bought used with
SJ rear-sets (setbacks?) already installed.  Three years ago as my
husband was checking valves prior to my departure on a solo trip to
the east coast, the shift lever broke in his hand.  SJ BMW was closed
(on a Saturday p.m., simply a sign in the window saying CLOSED) and
no one else seemed to have a replacement.  Fortunately I found a
competant welder who repaired it .... I am still using the repaired

When I arrived at the Lake Placid rally two weeks later, I went by the
booth to talk to the SJ folks.  Their response was basically "well the
shifter is 4 years old and we've changed the design so tough luck".
I am just thankful that it broke in the back yard instead of the middle
of Nevada (on highway 50)!  I would hate to be 66 miles from the
nearest town trying to shift with a stub!

They also missed out on selling me a bike when I walked in to their
showroom in 1980 with $6500 burning a hole in my checkbook.  No one
came to talk to me although I was the only person in the shop for 10
minutes in December.  So I bought the used bike instead.
Pria            ...!{ihnp4,hplabs,amd,nsc}!amdahl!pag00
                (408) 746 7539

(Disclaimer:  even I don't necessarily agree!)