robert@sri-spam.ARPA (Robert Allen) (10/10/86)
I hope that you non-California readers out there won't be too upset with this, but the issue concerns all motorcyclists. Last night on a local channel (5) in the San Francisco Bay Area, the news did an interesting, and even reasonably unbiased, article on helmet usage for bikers. The reason the subject came up is that there is a woman who lost her son to a motorcycle accident, who is applying pressure for a mandatory helmet law in California. The voting will start in January to see if it passes. Because of past experience regarding this issue on the net, I won't pontificate on the pros/cons of helmet usage. The above information is presented for informational purposes only. Also, let's not get into another shouting match about helmet usage. If you feel strongly about it, write to your congressmen, not to the net. On the same subject, has anyone else seen the new Motorcycle Safety Foundation TV commercials? They have very high production values, and initially look like a motorcycle commercial; (Long pan from the front of a new BMW model) "This is a BMW, made in Germany, it can take you from 0 to 60 in 3.X seconds" (Another pan from the front of a ninja) "This is a Kawasaki, make in Japan, it can take you from 0 to 60 in 2.7 seconds." (A pan of, of all things, a tree) "This is a California Redwood, made in California, it can take you from 60 to 0 in .0 seconds." I thought it was a pretty nifty commercial, particularly since the afore mentioned news article had shown the results of an FZ600 meeting a tree, on Hwy 9 near Alice's Restaurant. Robert Allen, robert@sri-spam.ARPA