[net.rec.photo] comments on camera request

jss (06/30/82)

	A thousand pardons to all you Minolta lovers, the name simply 
completely slipped my mind when I wrote the item.  As our other writer
comments, however, pentaxes are the cheaper.
	With regards to features,  if you want an automatic camera
thats just fine, and if that's what you want it's right for you.
Nonetheless, if you want to be in control, the automatic features,
with no exceptions that readily come to mind, are a royal pain.
Thus in my mind the "features" argument is not a good one (I like
to be in control.).  However, for the times when you want to use
the automatic option occasionally, the automatic cameras are wonderful,
except that they are battery dependent, in most cases, even in the
"fully manual" modes.  Further, the "fully manual" modes on most
cameras really aren't.
	My reasoning on the pentax is as follows:  It has a meter,
and since I dont like the idea of the battery dying, it is a small
effort to reach forward and force that aperture ring around until
the meter tells me things are O.K. More important, I can just ignore
the meter if I so choose. (This is the K1000 series).  Cheap,
maybe, but that does not imply lack of ruggedness.  The school in
question was private, and the teacher in question did not have money
restrictions.  The K1000 was his first choice.
	I wouldn't touch the bayonet/screw mount argument.  It's
a matter of personal preference.