bill (08/12/82)
For the past month or so, I've been looking over the current 35mm SLR market with the intention of buying one. I've narrowed my choice down to four cameras, the Canon A-1, the Minolta X700, the Olympus OM-2n and the Nikon F3. Would anyone with first hand experience with one or more of these cameras like to impart their experiences? -Bill Schell {ucbvax, harpo, mhtsa, ...}!allegra!bill
jss (08/12/82)
You REALLY do not want to ask that question....
jmr1 (08/12/82)
I own a Cannon AT-1 which isn't exatcly the same as an A1 but I realy enjoy's a very well made camera. There are a few things though that I have experienced that you may be interested in. The lens's available from Cannon are fantastic but they cost and arm and a leg , the lens's available from other manufactures are about $15 to $25 more than for other cameras because of the Cannon mount. If I could aford it I would buy another Cannon camera, I think. John Reese
mclure@sri-unix (08/13/82)
#R:allegra:-44400:sri-unix:6200001:000:254 sri-unix!mclure Aug 12 18:51:00 1982 I own a Canon A-1 and like it very much. Canon has a reputation of being a sports-photographer's camera; however, I purchased it because of the extensive modes which are quite useful. My photography mostly consists of still-life and landscapes. Stuart