[net.rec.photo] enlargers and replying

mem (11/07/82)

As usual, I can't get mail through alice.  Helo, mhtsa!dpj, this was
for you...

>From uucp Sun Nov  7 14:09:09 1982
>From decvax!harpo!npoiv!alice!nuucp Sun Nov  7 14:05:25 1982 remote from ittvax
Date: Sun Nov  7 13:25:42 1982
Mail to mhtsa!dpj failed: forwarding to this system disallowed.  Message was:
>From npoiv!harpo!decvax!ittvax!sii!mem Sun Nov  7 09:38:15 1982
Date: Sun Nov  7 09:33:51 1982
Back when I was doing darkroom stuff, I had an Omega B22 enlarger.
This did not have a dialable filter head, we (I and my brother)
used acetate filters.  It was very little hassle to work with
the filters, since we were fairly well organized, and we got
good results.  But there are a couple of points against
using them, being:  You can't get as fine adjustments with the
filters as you can with a dialable arrangement; and separate
are (at least as far as I know) farther from the light source
than the dialable rig (which is generally built into the light
unit), thus imperfections in and crap on the filters will have
more of an effect on the final result.  Then there's the problem of
having a stack of filters a foot high to get just the right
compensation for the 2-stops underexposed frame shot under
flourescent light...

Mark Mallett