tfilm (01/11/83)
RE:35mm SLR Purchase I am interested in purchasing one of the following (Canon, Minolta, Nikon, Pentax, Olympus) 35mm SLR cameras in the $200-$250 price range and would appreciate hearing of others' experiences with and/or preferences for any of these. This information will, I hope, help me to make a sound decision. MEL, ihuxp!tfilm
zemon (01/15/83)
I strongly recommend Nikon or Canon if you can afford them. I have had a Nikon for over 11 years now and have virtually no problems. (A little bit with the meter when it was still new and under warrentee(sp?) is all.) With cameras more than most, it *really* pays to get the very best. The things are so complex that you will be much happier in the long run. Additionally, I would recommend that you not get the cheap, automatic models that are available (even Nikon has one -- I don't know about Canon). These are a step down in quality from Nikon's usual. For best "bang for the buck", get either a new or used all-manual high-quality camera. Make sure your main lens is also very high quality. It will get a *lot* of use. Additional lenses can be of average quality 'cuz they probably won't get the wear 'n tear of your main lens. Happy photographing!