reza (02/04/83)
Thanks to all the people who responded to my article. There is nothing to summarize since everyone who took the time to answer (on the net or through mail) had the same thing to say: The dealer wanted me to buy a Nikon instead of the Cannon not because of the difference in quality but either because he got a bigger commission from Nikon or for some reason he wanted to keep his supply of Connons. Many people who have used a Cannon A-1 sent mail in defense of its quality. Everybody agrees that there is not much of a difference in quality between the two brands, if any. The bit about the commission makes sense. Cannon probably spends its money on advertisement rather than giving commission to dealers. H. Reza Taheri ...!ihnp4!ihuxp!reza (312)-979-1040
wally (02/05/83)
It could also be that he was using a variant of the "Bait and Switch" ploy: Advertise one item a low price to attract customers into the store and try to sell another item when they come in. Another Bait and Switch ploy works as follows: 1) Salesman talks customer into buying brand X, usually a reputable brand. 2) Salesman goes to stock room, ostensibly to get desired item, but returns with brand Z, saying the famous line "We just ran out of brand X, but we have brand Z, WHICH IS MADE AT THE SAME FACTORY AS BRAND X." Never fall for this line (or similar ones). It is almost aways a lie. Almost invariably, the markup is higher on Z.