jim (03/25/83)
This month's Scientific American has a Kodak ad which mentions a new ASA 1000 (unpushed) Kodacolor. Is this film available? Has anyone used it?
thomas (03/26/83)
It's supposed to be out by the end of March or beginning of April. Check your local camera store. =Spencer
djb (03/27/83)
There is an article on page 215 of the March issue of Sky & Telescope from one of the "press" photographers that received two 24-exposure sample rolls for evaluation. Although his testing and the article's discussion are of an astrophotograhpical nature, it's good reading for anyone interested in the Kodak's "super film." My big question is "When can I get some?" David Bryant Bell Labs Columbus, OH (614) 860-4516 (cbosg!djb) David Bryant Bell Labs Columbus, OH (614) 860-4516 (cbosg!djb)
tw (03/31/83)
#R:uw-beave:-42700:hp-pcd:7800013:000:123 hp-pcd!tw Mar 28 00:28:00 1983 According to the ad in the current issue of 'News Photographer', Kodacolor VR 1000 will be available in April 1983. Tw
jeff (04/01/83)
We`ve got lots of VR1000 right here in Ithaca, New York, at $4.89/24exposures. But then, we`re pretty close to Rochester. jeff