jeff@cdp.UUCP (02/07/86)
i am interested in purchasing a waterproof (or water resistant) camera, after my bike trip last summer when i was rained on for many days. i decided i wanted a camera that wouldn't flake out when the plastic bag it was stored in started to leak. i also wouldn't mind being able to take pictures in the rain. a recent article in the ny times mentioned two such cameras, the nikonos and a new canon called something like "aqua snappy." if anyone has any experience, advice, suggestions, i'd appreciate hearing from them. thanks... jeff dean glacier!cdp!jeff
klr@hadron.UUCP (Kurt L. Reisler) (02/10/86)
I own a Minolta Weathermatic, and although it uses 110 film, it does have a few nice features: - hideous yellow case makes it easy to spot - it floats - watertight to 15 feet (yes, I have tried it) - built in flash - zone focus - large, easy-to-use controls - optional "sports" (external) view finder - durable (I have fallen on it while skiiing) - relatively inexpensive - does take good pictures Kurt Reisler ..!seismo!hadron!klr
chuck@adiron.UUCP (Chuck Ferrara) (02/17/86)
If you're really serious and have lots of money, there's always the Nikon underwater system. It's the only 35mm I know of that's waterproof. For something less expensive, I believe I've seen waterproof bags that screw on to the filter threads of the lens. DISCLAIMER: I have no experience with either.