[fa.info-cpm] New DASM now on MC

C70:info-cpm (05/16/82)

>From rconn@BRL Sun May 16 00:19:22 1982
Hi, Everyone,

        I've just finished a revision of DASM and  have  uploaded
it  to  MIT-MC  under  AR25:CPM.   A  couple  of bugs were fixed,
several errors in the internal source listing  and  documentation
were fixed, the internal documentation was greatly expanded (main
body increased from 36K to 70K), and several changes were made in
both  the format of displays and in features, including the addi-
tion of a built-in Help command (invoked by the letter H).

        The following shows the files as they appear in  AR25:CPM
and under CP/M.



MIT-MC File Names --
  0   ZDASM  COM    3  05/16/82 00:50:24
  0   ZDASM  HEX    6  05/16/82 00:31:43
  0   ZDASM  MAC    14  05/16/82 01:04:05
  0   ZDASMT MAC    3  05/16/82 00:21:45
  0   ZDASMZ MAC    4  05/15/82 23:51:54

CP/M File Names --
XDIR II  Version 5.2, Vertical Listing by File Type

Filename.Typ Size K RS  Filename.Typ Size K RS  Filename.Typ Size K RS
DASM    .COM     10     DASM    .MAC     70     DASMZLG .MAC     18
DASM    .HEX     26     DASMTDL .MAC     14
File Data:               5 Files -    138K Bytes Displayed