[fa.info-cpm] Cache club offers RCPM disks

C70:info-cpm (05/16/82)

>From W8SDZ@Mit-Mc Sat May 15 23:14:19 1982
Chuck Weingart of the Chicago CACHE club is offering 8" SDSS disks
of selected programs gathered from RCPM systems.  See
AR10:CPM;CACHE DISKS for details.  This is a complete list (just
updated on May 5th) of what's available, along with ordering
information.  Those who cannot FTP or otherwise transfer this file
please send me a message and I'll netmail the file to you.  This is
a good opportunity to get those recent files you've heard about
on INFO-CPM but for one reason or another have been unable to
access.  It's cheaper than calling long distance!

C70:info-cpm (05/18/82)

>From teklabs!tekid!garey@Ucb-C70 Tue May 18 00:42:46 1982
I am very interested in getting this list of programs, and
especially the ordering information.  Thanks

Garey Fouts
Tektronix, INC.
Beaverton, OR.