C70:info-cpm (06/03/82)
>From w8sdz@BRL Thu Jun 3 04:09:43 1982
I just received this file on my RCPM system. Replies direct
to author, please.
Hints on the EPSON MX-80 and GRAFTRAX PLUS
August Treubig
1021 E. Mary Poppins
Harvey, La. 70058
For those of you who are interested in GRAFTRAX PLUS [May also be
true of regular GRAFTRAX] and are using the "old" model 8140 and
8141 serial interface cards: Epson requires the "newer" model
8145, 8250, or 8151 serial interface cards. They state that
GRAFTRAX PLUS will not work at all with the old cards........
So be prepared to shell out an additional $120 to $150 for the
new card. However, the news is not all bad. The new cards
have a 2K memory buffer and will allow you to drive the MX-80
at full tilt, rather than print..wait..print!!!!
The benefits of GRAFTRAX PLUS are many... Italics, Super and
Subscripts, Automatic underlining, plus all the goodies that
were in regular GRAFTRAX.
If your are going to install an 8145, make sure that SW 1-8
on the EPSON main board is turned on. It normally set on
from the factory. However, I had turned mine off for some
reason. If it is turned off, the EPSON will not make the
printer ready, ever ever......