[fa.info-cpm] WordStar Epson Patches

C70:info-cpm (06/07/82)

>From ucivax!csuf!bytebug@Ucb-C70 Sun Jun  6 23:26:16 1982
The following was published in our computer club's newsletter.  As I don't
have an Epson MX-80, I can't make any claims to its accuracy, but would
appreciate hearing how it works out.


                         WordStar Epson Patches

The following patches will take advantage of some of the special
printing modes, available when using the Epson MX-80 printer with
GRAFTRAX-80 installed.

Using the INSTALL program area modification routine (after specifying
teletype-like printer), enter hex code at hex address shown below.

^A  Alternate pitch	Now selects alternate italics character set

	06B5 02
	06B6 1B
	06B7 34

^N  Normal pitch	Now selects normal character set

	06BA 02
	06BB 1B
	06BC 35

^Y  Ribbon Change	Now alternately sets, then resets, Epson's
			"Emphasized" mode.
	06DD 02
	06DE 1B
	06DF 45

	06E2 02
	06E3 1B
	06E4 46

^Q  User 1		Sets compressed (16.5 cpi) print mode

	06C9 02
	06CA 14
	06CB 0F

^W  User 2		Sets wider mode (8.25 cpi)
			Will revert to compressed mode after one line.
	06CE 02
	06CF 0F
	06D0 0E

^E  User 3		Sets expanded mode (5 cpi)
			Will reset next line.
	06D3 02
	06D4 12
	06D5 0E

^R  User 4		Resets pitch to standard (10 cpi)

	06D8 02
	06D9 12
	06DA 14
