[fa.info-cpm] defb 0, and others

C70:info-cpm (06/07/82)

>From shawn.mit-ccc@BRL Sun Jun  6 23:57:02 1982

I have an 8080 instruction set, that I have used in an attempt to
convert Z80 assembly, into VALID INS8080A code, I have noticed (
in looking through some of the .asm files in mc:cpm;ar** some of
the following, and wonder if someone out there, could help me
out as that I have NEVER seen anything in the instruction set
that looks like this, I wonder, could this (comeing from the ccp, and
others), be part of a bios_bdos call? (I have never even seen a bios
in source or hex or com form, nor Have I seen a bdos, So you see
I know not what I am getting into, nor if this stuff is valid as
it has been defined by bdos or bios, could some one help?
I will put some of the calls in question below..

db	cr,lf,'this is a line of text, to be sent to console?'
db	cr,lf,eos

That is one,

FOO	EQU	00H	;Now I know what this is trying to do
BAR	EQU	00A	;but how can it be valid?!?!?

as well as,

and don't forget,

MOVE	EQU	$+OFFSET	;<== This line **
	MOV	A,M		;get byte
	STAX	D		;save it
	INX	D		;point to next address
	INX	H		; "   "   "     "
	DCR	B		;decrement length
	JNZ	MOVE		;if not done, loop
	JMP	DEFBUF+20H	;go to segment..  <== Here as well

The following from PASWRD.ASM, (or most of it), but I do not
under stand some of the functions, and all I am left to assume
/hope, is that bdos or bios is going to catch them, what do you
all say????? (I KNOW it must work, BUT HOW!!!!!)..

	Thanx in advance
	   Yours In hacking