[fa.info-cpm] reporting the current address of a line?

C70:info-cpm (06/12/82)

>From ucivax!csuf!bytebug@Ucb-C70 Fri Jun 11 20:48:52 1982
I don't quite understand exactly what you want or why, but this might help.
The following is a listing of some sample code run through Macro-80, which
shows how to get it to print the current program counter, as indicated.  If
this isn't what you want, some sample code showing what you're trying to do
might help.


  0000' 			test:
  0000'   00				nop
  0001'   00				nop
  0002'   01 02 03 04			db	1,2,3,4,5
  0006'   05			
  0007' 				ds	0			; this should print the current
									; address just fine.
  0007'   00				nop
  0008'   00				nop
  0009' 			dummy:					; this should also print the current
									; address (and not generate any
									; errors)

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