[fa.info-cpm] Call for Papers

C70:info-cpm (06/16/82)

>From W8SDZ@Mit-Mc Wed Jun 16 00:42:02 1982
---Forwarded message---

Date: 14 Jun 82 19:58:04-PDT (Mon)
From: ucbvax!decvax!harpo!floyd!cmcl2!philabs!sdcsvax!bill at UCB
To:   info-micro at mit-ai
Re:   Call for Papers
Article-I.D.: sdcsvax.2095
Via:  news.usenet; 15 Jun 82 19:14-PDT

     I am  organizing  a  session  on  "Programming  Support
Environments  for  Personal  Computers" for the 16th. Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences (Honolulu,  Jan.
5-7,  1983),  and  am  interested  in  contacting  potential
authors. The annual conference  is  a  workshop-style  forum
(limit  300  registrants),  with sessions covering topics in
system software and applications.
     I believe that a workshop on trends in programming sup-
port environments for the next generation of workstations is
overdue, and that the Hawaii conference provides  an  excel-
lent  environment  for such an exchange of ideas, based on a
catalyst of 4-6 papers  from  active  industry  or  academic
software/hardware designers/implementors.
     I have got an enthusiastic response from  several  peo-
ple, and I am trying to tentatively draw up a list of possi-
ble participants. If you  are  interested  in  submitting  a
paper, or have suggestions for topics or authors, contact me
by netmail, or at UCSD (714-452-3620), for further  details.
Papers  should  be  at  most 20 double spaced pages, and the
deadline for submission is mid-July.
     Bill Appelbe (UCSD & TELESOFT)
     EECS Dept., C-014, UCSD, La Jolla, CA 92093)
     (UUCP ...!ucbvax!sdcsvax!bill ; ARPA sdcsvax!bill@nprdc)