[fa.info-cpm] Your Deblocking fix

C70:info-cpm (06/26/82)

>From w8sdz@BRL Sat Jun 26 15:35:54 1982
Hi, again, Bruce.  Thanks for the message to Info-Cpm telling about the
bug yu found in the deblocking.  Is it clear that this is the revised
deblocking routine that has the bug, or is it possible you may have
the old version?  In any case, how about sending a few lines of code
including 3-4 before and after the area where you added the one
instruction?  Send it to Info-Cpm (our address is now BRL instead of
MIT-MC) so everyone can check theirs.  This is the first time I have
run into this problem, and I have a 10 megabyte hard disk with some
files as large as 200k that I have sucessfully edited without this
problem.  My CBIOS uses DR's deblocking.