[fa.info-cpm] Sending files using apmodem

C70:info-cpm (07/17/82)

>From Boebert.SCOMP@Mit-Multics Fri Jul 16 22:19:10 1982
Apple-II Modem V2.18A, modified by Calcoyannides and highly recommended,
has a data capture mode which is very useful for moving files off of
timeshare systems and onto your personal floppies.  Going the other way
is a little more work, to wit:

1. Find out what slot your MM-II is in (you put it there, so you should

2. Look up on pages 2-4 and 2-5 of your manual and find out the "device
name" of the slot your MM-II is in.  In my case, it is in slot 2 because
my BIT3 board is in 3, and therefore is called the PUN.

3. Make sure you have a copy of PIP either on your Modem boot diskette
or your file diskette.  I find it a good practice to put a copy of PIP
on every boot diskette I make.

4. Use Modem to log into your favorite big dinosaur.

5. Place said dinosaur's text editor into text input mode

6. Hit ctl-e, which will kick you out of Modem and into CP/M.

7. Do a PIP with the "device name" of your MM-II as the destination.  In
my case this is PIP PUN:=B:FOO or some such.  Wait for the prompt.

8. When you get a CP/M prompt, do MODEM T to put yourself back in
terminal mode.  Then perform whatever saurian incantations are
neccessary to make the input buffer a file.
