[fa.info-cpm] CP/M on the 68000/16032

C70:info-cpm (07/17/82)

>From decvax!duke!uok!uokvax!mwm@Ucb-C70 Sat Jul 17 06:40:39 1982
Cc: decvax!duke!uok!uokvax!bsteve at Ucb-C70, 
    decvax!duke!uok!uokvax!jejones at Ucb-C70
Via:  Ucb-C70; 17 Jul 82 8:27-EDT

I have every intention of running CP/M on my next machine, be it a
68000, 16032, iapx-432, 80286, or whatever else comes along. An
8080/z80 emulator will fit nicely in one Unix process on any of the
above. That way, not only do I get to run the nice, free software
available for CP/M, I can run ALL of it, plus the not-free stuff I am
currently running.

As for speed, the people at ERG claim a 2Mhz z80 equivalent for their
emulator (runs under their FORTH system), and it looks like a good
compiler (or assembler hacker) should be able to turn an NMhz 68000
into an N/3Mhz z80. Now, Motorola is making noises about 12 Mhz (and
faster, I would guess) 68000's, so you should be able to get as muchh
raw CPU out of said emulation as most people have on their z80.
However, when you consider that the I/O will go through the 68000, the
results should be NICE!

As for CP/M standalone: if CP/M-68 (or whatever) can run a Unix
emulation in a single process, I'd be willing to look at it. But
something tells me that this will never happen.

A final note: hopefully, when I get new hardware (next year or so) some
of the truly nice stuff (as opposed to the scuz that is Unix) will be
avaible. I'm refering to things like Eden, Smalltalk, etc.
