[fa.info-cpm] Personal Computer Books

C70:info-cpm (07/22/82)

>From LATEE@Mit-Ml Wed Jul 21 20:48:34 1982
Via:  Mit-Ml; 21 Jul 82 22:19-EDT
Via:  Brl; 21 Jul 82 22:25-EDT
Via:  Brl-Bmd; 21 Jul 82 22:36-EDT

I am composing a list of books about personal computers
and microcomputers.  I need your help.

If you know of any books about small computers pertaining
to: shopping around, directories, references, features 
and so forth, let me know.

Results of the survey will be available on request.


P.S. Sorry if you received more than one copy of this message,
but I didn't know that INFO-MICRO wasn't around anymore,
until I tried to send you mail using it.

C70:info-cpm (07/22/82)

>From w8sdz@BRL Thu Jul 22 01:09:01 1982
Info-Cpm has moved to BRL.  Info-Micro is alive and well, also
at the same machine.  Send mail for Info-Micro to INFO-MICRO@BRL.
Requests to be added/deleted from the mailing list go to
INFO-MICRO-REQUEST@BRL.  Hope this helps clear up any confusion
caused by the address changes.