[fa.info-cpm] forwarding msgs micro -> cpm

C70:info-cpm (08/01/82)

>From GZ@Mit-Mc Sun Aug  1 13:19:07 1982
1. First off, any forwarding that goes on should keep the original header
   and just add a Remailed-by: W8SDZ etc. lines.  This would make it possible
   to easily reply to the original message, and save us from double headers.
   Ask the ITS mail hackers how to do that.

2. I would suggest that you internally reorganize the two lists into
   info-micro-and-cpm, info-micro-only, info-cpm-only, and have info-micro =
   1st and 2nd, info-cpm= 1st and 3rd.  This would be internal only.
   However, you could then restrict the forwarding to just the
   info-cpm-only folk.