[fa.info-cpm] xmodem for vax

ARPAVAX:C70:info-cpm (10/20/82)

>From SCHNUR@Usc-Isie Tue Oct 19 20:43:40 1982
has anybody installed a cp/m filetransfer system for the vax and
micro's?  If so could you help us out on our 780?  joel

ARPAVAX:UNKNOWN:C70:info-cpm (10/20/82)

>From rconn@BRL Wed Oct 20 00:03:04 1982
I've been installing UMODEM on our VAX 11/780.  If you have a C compiler
with the proper libraries, UMODEM goes on very nicely.  I've been using
EUNICE under VMS, and had to make some minor mods to get it up.  I have one
last routine to replace, and hope to have it running when the VAX and I
are up and available at the same time.
