info-cpm (12/02/82)
>From decvax!harpo!eagle!wheps!alc@Ucb-C70 Thu Dec 2 01:42:06 1982
Received: by UCBVAX.BERKELEY.ARPA (3.227 [10/22/82])
id A10734; 2-Dec-82 02:04:07-PST (Thu)
Date: Wed Dec 1 15:50:55 1982
Apparently-To: info-cpm
Via: Mit-Ai; 1 Dec 82 18:48-EST
Via: Brl; 1 Dec 82 19:06-EST
Via: Brl-Bmd; 1 Dec 82 19:43-EST
Maybe Marc is what I need. I sent mail to Lauren from a different machine
and have little hope of it getting there. I take this chance now while
I am on the machine that subscribes to netnews.
I would really appreciate a reply at whuxg!beal which is where I really
am and can be reached through harpo and others.
A quick summary of my original problem is that I have cpm 1.4 on a
controller which has been orphaned by the mfr and cannot get DR or
anybody to respond with enough info for me to really believe that I
could either bring up 2.2 or make any other useful changes.
John Beal
Bell Labs
Whippany NJ