[fa.info-cpm] MODEM794

info-cpm (12/02/82)

>From PLK@Mit-Mc  Thu Dec  2 01:59:35 1982
Cc: W8SDZ@Mit-Mc, PLOUFF@Mit-Mc
Via:  Mit-Mc; 2 Dec 82 3:10-EST
Via:  Brl; 2 Dec 82 3:25-EST
Via:  Brl-Bmd; 2 Dec 82 3:32-EST

The following files are a new version of the MODEM7 package.

MC  CPM    AR61   MODEM7

  0   MCNFG  794ASM 3  12/01/82 02:28:05
  0   MCOSB  794ASM 2  12/01/82 02:35:15
  0   MNUM   794ASM 1  12/01/82 03:17:24
  0   MODEM  768DOC 4  11/11/82 23:10:55	<-- Unchanged
  0   MODEM  792LIB 4  11/19/82 23:00:55	<-- Unchanged
  0   MODEM  794ASM 17 12/02/82 00:54:47
  0   MODEM  794COM 4  12/02/82 01:24:19
  0   MODEM  794HEX 9  12/02/82 01:29:02
  0   MODEM  794HIS 4  12/02/82 00:50:48
  0   MODEM  794INF 1  12/01/82 02:32:42
  0   MODEM  794SET 1  12/01/82 02:31:04

;11/30/82   Made the following changes:
;		1. Put SECTNOE in proper location,
;		2. Added optional XOFF/XON testing to terminal mode
;		   file output routines,
;		3. Added MSPEED setting to PMMI baud rate routines,
;		4. Fixed quiet mode,
;		5. Expanded command line again to help novices,
;		6. Changed to XMODEM routine for receiver to
;		   request CRC mode from sender and added routine
;		   to switch to checksum mode after 6 timeouts.
;					P . L. Kelley and R. L. Plouffe

;11/26/82   Replaced "CDD" command with "LOG", and fixed associated code.
;	    Replaced "CUR" with "?" for easier working of a much used
;	    function. Shortened command line, same info in less space.
;           Normal changes to menus done to reflect new commands.
;							Mark J. Pulver