info-cpm (12/06/82)
>From DAN@Mit-Ml Mon Dec 6 00:10:47 1982
Cc: Info-CPM@BRL, Info-Graphics@Utexas-20
Via: Mit-Ml; 6 Dec 82 0:20-EST
Via: Brl; 6 Dec 82 0:26-EST
Via: Brl-Bmd; 6 Dec 82 0:36-EST
After seeing an ad from Digital Research entitled "CP/M Graphics"
(InfoWorld, Nov 29, p 93), I gave them a call. While it's not yet
available, DR will soon release what they call GSX, a device
independent graphics package which will run under CP/M. This will
include GSS-Kernel, which is their implementation of the Graphics
Kernel System (GKS). Another package will be GSS-PLOT, which lets you
generate bar graphs, histograms, pie charts, etc. (probably similar
to ISSCO's TellaGraf). GSX will be available for both CP/M-80 and
CP/M-86 hosts, and can be linked with CBASIC, Pascal MT+, PL/I, and
FORTRAN (which means these libaraies are most likely supplied as
.REL files). From what I was told on the phone, the user supplies
simple drivers which tell GSX how to plot points, move the "pen", etc.
for each device to be supported. Unfortunately, they didn't have
pricing info available.