[fa.info-cpm] Fix file for MODEM794

info-cpm (12/09/82)

>From PLK@Mit-Mc  Thu Dec  9 01:30:21 1982
Cc: W8SDZ@Mit-Mc, PLOUFF@Mit-Mc
Via:  Mit-Mc; 8 Dec 82 23:52-EST
Via:  Brl; 9 Dec 82 0:08-EST
Via:  Brl-Bmd; 9 Dec 82 0:24-EST

	AR61:CPM;MFIX 794DIF is a very short fix file for
AR61:CPM;MODEM 794ASM.  It fixes MODEM794 so that there is an initial
NAK (or CRC) sent in the receive mode before waiting for the first
SOH. The lack of this initial NAK (or CRC) caused an unnecessary
timeout in the first sector transfer.  This was an error I introduced
in changing the program so that the receive mode sends more than one
CRC when setting up the first sector transfer.