[fa.info-cpm] id A00348; 10-Dec-82 00:06:32-PST

info-cpm (12/10/82)

>From bridger@Rand-Unix  Fri Dec 10 00:00:21 1982
Cc: bridger@Rand-Unix
Subj: CPM 3.0 timestamp
Via:  Rand-Unix; 9 Dec 82 16:05-EST
Via:  Brl; 9 Dec 82 16:23-EST
Via:  Brl-Bmd; 9 Dec 82 16:34-EST

	Can someone supply the file specifications and protocol for
CPM 3.0's date and timestamp feature?  We are working on a design for
automatic stamping of files under CPM 2.2;  files will be stamped with
create, last access and last modified date/time.  It may be desirable to
aim for as much compatibility with 3.0 as possible.