[fa.info-cpm] id A06202; 15-Dec-82 01:28:38-PST

info-cpm (12/15/82)

>From CAL.MIT-OZ@BRL  Sun Dec 12 23:37:19 1982
To: Lauren@Ucla-Security
Cc: Rizzi@Usc-Isib, INFO-CPM@BRL
Via:  Mit-Mc; 11 Dec 82 2:17-EST
Via:  Brl; 11 Dec 82 2:51-EST
Via:  Brl-Bmd; 11 Dec 82 2:58-EST

  There is a lack of a feature in CPM that I hope exists in MARC: It is
impossible to return to the disk operating system any part of a file that
is no longer being used.  For example, one can't cause a file to be
shortened by returning all allocated disk blocks after a particular point
in the file.  Does MARC have a system call to do this?

  If anyone knows an easy fix for this in CPM, please let me in on it.

Thanx -Cliff