[fa.info-cpm] getting the heads to load.

info-cpm (12/16/82)

>From RMS.G.BANDY.MIT-OZ@Mit-Mc  Tue Dec 14 01:50:03 1982
To: POURNE@Mit-Mc, pourne@Mit-Mc
Cc: X.GYRO@Mit-Mc, CSTROM@Mit-Mc, info-cpm@BRL, info-cpm@BRL
In-Reply-To: Your message of 12-Dec-82 0526-EST
Via:  Mit-Mc; 12 Dec 82 20:16-EST
Via:  Brl; 12 Dec 82 20:31-EST
Via:  Brl-Bmd; 12 Dec 82 20:33-EST

it's VERY controller specific. just boot on that drive, or
select it. the head usually stays loaded long enough to clean
the head(s).