[fa.info-cpm] JRT Pascal released in SIG/M

info-cpm (12/15/82)

>From rconn@BRL  Sun Dec 12 21:49:36 1982
To: info-cpm@BRL, info-micro@BRL
Via:  Brl; 10 Dec 82 16:53-EST
Via:  Brl-Bmd; 10 Dec 82 16:58-EST

        I thought you would like to know.  From this month's (DEC
82)  issue  of the "Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey News" in
the SIG/M Report column:

        "JRT PASCAL came first with Ellis and  others  following.
The Pascal Z group took note of the non-commercial release provi-
sions of the JRT PASCAL and  released  it  as  their  volume  18.
SIG/M  is now releasing it as volume 82.  We read one rave review
and one that said it wasn't worth the new price.  We know  of  at
least  one  bug - try multiplying by 0, but we think for those of
you interested in trying a little Pascal, it is worth getting our
volume 82."

        Hence, JRT PASCAL looks like it is *FREE* to me.  If  you
have  a  computer  club which is already getting the SIG/M disks,
you can get it from them, or the SIG/M copying charge is  $5/disk
+  $1/order  (I  think  I misquoted $4/disk earlier).  In further
confirmation, the following are the files on volume 82 of SIG/M:

SIN.INT         SIN.PAS         SQRT.INT        SQRT.PAS        TESTBIT.ASM

        For those who already have purchased JRT PASCAL, is  this
a complete list of the files?

        Also, for those interested, ZCPR 1.0 and 1.6 are now  be-
ing  distributed on SIG/M disk 77.  I also gave SIG/M ALL of SYS-
LIB, and it will take up three SIG/M disks all by  itself.   Com-
plete  source to everything was included, as well as the huge do-
cumentation files and all the HLP files.  I don't remember  if  I
gave them the new User's Guide, but if I didn't, it will come out
later.  I don't yet know which SIG/M volumes SYSLIB will  be  in,
but I'll drop you a message when I find out.


info-cpm (12/17/82)

>From rconn@BRL  Wed Dec 15 00:03:36 1982
To: Mike Meyer <mwm@Okc-Unix>
Cc: Rick Conn <rconn@BRL>, info-cpm@BRL, info-micro@BRL
Via:  Brl; 15 Dec 82 15:25-EST
Via:  Brl-Bmd; 15 Dec 82 21:37-EST

	I really don't know about the possibility of an upload of JRT
PASCAL to MC.  I personally don't have the disk; just read about it in
the news letter.  Also, I have some questions about this action by
SIG/M, in particular, if JRT was contacted for approval first.  No mention
was made about this being done.

	What's bothering me about this is that (1) JRT PASCAL is still
being sold by JRT, even if it IS for $30, and (2) SIG/M (and PASCAL/Z UG)
are nation-wide, even international, distribution systems.  Such an action
takes a LOT of potential sales away from JRT, and, if they didn't ask
JRT permission to do this, I wonder if this is right, morally (i.e.,
is this PIRACY?).  I'm aware of one occasion in which pirated software entered
the SIG/M distribution system, but it was removed as soon as the error was
discovered (I don't even remember the details right now).  I'm sure the
SIG/M people want to do what's right, but did they apply an interpretation
to the JRT offer which was not intended (and did JRT know of their existance)?

	Hence, in a nutshell, I'd like to chat to SIG/M coordinator(s)
first to see if this is truly the case (i.e., they asked JRT first) before
saying anything else.


info-cpm (12/17/82)

>From mwm@Okc-Unix  Wed Dec 15 01:57:02 1982
In-Reply-To: Your message of     10 Dec 82 16:46:33-EST (Fri)
To: Rick Conn <rconn@BRL>
Cc: info-cpm@BRL, info-micro@BRL
Via:  Okc-Unix; 15 Dec 82 7:20-EST
Via:  Brl; 15 Dec 82 8:10-EST
Via:  Brl-Bmd; 15 Dec 82 8:47-EST

What is the possibility of somebody uploading JRT Pascal to MC? It looks like
the restrictions on it are the same (or less) than the restictions on software
already on MC.
