info-cpm (12/17/82)
>From npois!ihlpb!dap1@Ucb-C70 Wed Dec 15 03:53:49 1982
Received: by UCBVAX.BERKELEY.ARPA (3.227 [10/22/82])
id A05252; 17-Dec-82 05:45:28-PST (Fri)
To: npois!ucbvax!info-cpm@Ucb-C70
Via: Mit-Ai; 16 Dec 82 23:22-EST
Via: Brl; 16 Dec 82 23:44-EST
Via: Brl-Bmd; 16 Dec 82 23:49-EST
I am replying off of my IBM which contains one single-sided and one
double-sided Tandon drive. I have had the single-sided drive for about
6 Mos. and the double-sided for about 4 Mos. and haven't had a speck of
trouble out of either one yet and even if I did at this point, I'd
still rather have these at around $250 than subsidize the outlandish
prices that IBM tries to charge.