[fa.info-cpm] shortening CP/M files

info-cpm (12/22/82)

>From tekmdp!laurir.Tektronix@Rand-Relay  Wed Dec 22 01:42:05 1982
To: tektronix!info-cpm@Mit-Mc
Via:  tektronix; 21 Dec 82 19:27-PDT
Via:  Mit-Mc; 21 Dec 82 22:31-EST
Via:  Brl; 21 Dec 82 23:06-EST
Via:  Brl-Bmd; 21 Dec 82 23:15-EST

To shorten a CP/M file and free its extra blocks, just zero the
unwanted disk indices in the FCB and do a CLOSE, then either RESET the
disk or do a warm boot to force recomputation of the free block vector.
  -- Andrew Klossner (laurir.tektronix@rand-relay)