jdi@psuvax1.UUCP (John D. Irwin) (08/02/84)
He He. This reminds me of my experience. I brought up 2.9 about two weeks ago (which was really fun considering we have no tape drive on our 11/34) and tried to transfer a 7M hunk of source over from the vax to 2.9. Well, I didn't come in the next day but found out later that in 23 hours it had done something like 2.9M -- ie: about 30 cps over a 9600 baud line. Anyway, after cursing some I looked at the packet driver code and found this little interesting piece in the packet get routine: alarm(PKTIME); for (nchars = 0; nchars < n; nchars += ret) { ret = read(fn, b, n - nchars); if (ret == 0) { alarm(0); return(-1); } PKASSERT(ret > 0, "PKCGET READ", "", ret); b += ret; sleep(1); } alarm(0); return(0); } Isn't that cute? A one second sleep for every packet! Well, I took out the sleep, but performance was still only 300 cps or so so I just installed 4.2uucp which has worked fine since. -- Spoken: John D. Irwin AT&T: 814-237-5068 Nets: jdi@psuvax1.{BITNET,CSNET} Uucp: {akgua, allegra, cornell, pitt, purdue, ihnp4, burdvax}!psuvax1!jdi