[fa.arpa-bboard] CS faculty job at Tufts University

BEN@MIT-ML (05/11/82)

From: Benjamin Kuipers <BEN at MIT-ML>
		Computer Science Faculty Position
			Tufts University

Two year appointment beginning Fall 1982.  Ph.D. in computer science
or related field is required.  Applicants should demonstrate promise in
research and interest in teaching.  Tufts is an academically excellent,
primarily undergraduate institution offering liberal arts and engineering
degrees.  It is located in the Boston area, two miles from Harvard Square.
There are rich opportunities for research collaboration in the Boston
area.  Computer facilities include a dual-processor (KL-10) DECsystem-10.

Send a curriculum vita and three letters of reference to:
	Professor George F. Leger
	Department of Mathematics
	Tufts University
	Medford, MA 02155

Tufts University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.