[fa.arpa-bboard] Call for Papers for IJCAI-83

BUNDY@RUTGERS (07/22/82)


                     Karlsruhe, West Germany
                         8-12 August 1983

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

   The IJCAI conferences are the main forum for  the  presentation
of  Artificial Intelligence research to an international audience.
The goal of IJCAI-83 is to promote scientific interchange,  within
and  between  all  subfields  of  Artificial  Intelligence,  among
researchers from all over the world. The conference  is  sponsored
by  International  Joint  Conferences  on Artificial Intelligence,
Inc., and co-sponsored by Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (West  Ger-
many),  the  Society  for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and
the Simulation of Behaviour (Britain), and Nederlandse  Vereniging
voor Kunstmatige Intelligentie (The Netherlands).

   Papers concerning all aspects of Artificial  Intelligence  will
be  considered including (but not limited to) the subfields listed
below.  Complete drafts, in English, should  be  received  by  the
programme  chairman  by  1st  February,  1983.   Final versions of
accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings.

   Papers are invited in one of the following categories:

-  Long Papers (max length 5500 words,  the  equivalent  of  11-12
   single spaced pages.  7 proceedings pages will be allocated and
   30  minutes  presentation)  For  the  presentation   of   well-
   developed, original and significant new research as well as for
   works of synthesis.  Note that it is our intention to encourage
   the submission of excellent papers in this category. Refereeing
   standards will be strict and only papers of high  quality  will
   be accepted.

-  Short Papers (max length 2250 words, the equivalent of 5 single
   spaced pages. 3 proceedings pages will be allocated and 15 minutes
   presentation)  For  brief  presentation  of  research  and  for
   reports of  work in progress.  Note that, in order to encourage
   submission in this category, the max length is slightly  longer
   than here-to-fore.

   Papers in both categories ppages will  be  refereed.   Papers  not  in
English,  or which miss the 1st February deadline, or which exceed
the maximum length for their  category,  will  be  returned  unre-
fereed.  It is expected that at least one author of every accepted
paper will attend.

   The refereeing and the sessions will be  organised  around  the
following subfields:

Automatic Programming.
Cognitive Modelling;
Expert Systems;
Knowledge Representation;
Learning and Knowledge Acquisition;
Logic Programming;
Natural Language;
Planning and Search;
System Support;
Theorem Proving;

In order to ensure that papers are appropriately refereed and that
they  appear  in  appropriate  sessions,  authors are requested to
express a preference for one or more of these subfields.  If  this
is not possible then please specify a new subfield.

   In addition to  the  contributed  papers,  the  programme  will
include  several  invited  papers,  panel discussions, and special
interest sessions.  Suggestions for these should be  sent  to  the
programme chairman.

   The conference will also  include  program  demonstrations  and
exhibits.  Submissions  and requests in these categories should be
directed to the local arrangements chairmen.   Program  demonstra-
tions will not be refereed.

                      Details of Submission

   4 copies of submitted papers should be sent  to  the  programme
chairman,  typed  or  printed, 10 characters per inch, in English.
No electronic submission please.

   The following information must be included:

1  authors name, address, telephone number and netmail address (if

2  whether submitted as long or short papers;

3  the preferred subfield name(s);

4  an abstract of 100-250 words;

5  the length in words.

   The timetable is as follows:

-  Submission Deadline: 1st February 1983

-  Notification of Acceptance: 1st April 1983

-  Camera-ready Copy Due: 1st May 1983

   Submissions to the technical programme and programme  enquiries
should be sent to the programme chairman:

Alan Bundy                      (44-31)667-1011 ext 6507
Department of Artificial Intelligence
University of Edinburgh         telex: 727441 UNIVED G
Hope Park Square                ArpaNet: BUNDY@RUTGERS
Edinburgh, EH8 9NW, SCOTLAND

Enquiries about program demonstrations and exhibits should be sent to
the local arrangements chairmen:

Graham Wrightson                (49-721)608-3975
Joerg Siekmann
Peter Raulefs
Institut fuer Informatik I      telex: uni d 07826521
Universitaet Karlsruhe
Postfach 6308                   ArpaNet: WRIGHTSON@RUTGERS
D-7500 Karlsruhe 1, W. GERMANY

General enquiries should be directed to the General Chairman:

Saul Amarel                     (1-201)932-3546
Computer Science Department
Hill Center/Busch Campus
Rutgers University              ArpaNet: AMAREL@RUTGERS
New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA
