daemon@ucbvax.UUCP (07/14/84)
From GSB@MIT-MC Fri Jul 13 17:20:13 1984 CALL FOR PAPERS Rewriting Techniques and Applications May 20-22, 1985 Dijon, Burgundy, France Topics: ------- This First International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications is planned in response to the growing interest in the theory and applications of term rewriting techniques. Papers will be solicited concerning issues in Term Rewriting Theory as well as in applications of term rewriting in the following areas (the list must be understood as non-exhaustive, additions are welcome): Equational Deduction, Automated Theorem Proving, Computer Algebra, Rewrite Rule Based Expert Systems, Unification and Matching Algorithms, Functional and Logic Programming, Algebraic and Operational Semantics, Data Type Implementation and Validation, Program Specification, Program Transformation, Program Generation and Program Proof Techniques. Submission: ----------- Each submission should include 11 copies of a one page abstract and 4 copies of a full paper of no more than 15 double spaced pages. Submissions are to be sent to one of the Co-Chairmen: For Europe: Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, RTA-85, Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy, Campus Scientifique, BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy Cedex, France. For the rest: David Musser, RTA-85, General Electric Laboratories, Research and Development Center, Schenectady, NY 12345, USA. Paper selection will be done by circulating abstracts to all members of the program committee, with each full paper assigned to several committee members having appropriate expertise. In addition to selected papers, a few invited lectures will be given by well-known researchers who have made major contributions to the field: R. Book, Santa Barbara, USA: Thue Systems, B. Buchberger, Linz, Austria: History and Basic Features of the Critical-Pair/Completion Approach, N. Dershowitz, Urbana-Champaign, USA: Termination Issues in Term Rewriting Systems, G. Huet, INRIA, France: Systemes Equationnels pour la Logique Intuitionniste et le Lambda-Calcul., A last lecture prepared by the Program Committee will emphasize the most important applications of Term Rewriting. Program Committee: ------------------ J. Bergstra, Amsterdam, Netherlands J. Goguen, SRI-International, USA J. Guttag, MIT, USA J.P. Jouannaud, Nancy, France P. Lescanne, Nancy, France D. Musser,General Electric Labs, USA P. Padawitz, Passau, West Germany D. Plaisted, Urbana-Champaign, USA R. Sethi, Bell Labs, USA D. Turner,Kent, Great-Britain. Schedule: --------- Paper submission deadline by December 10, 1984. Acceptance/Rejection Notification by March 1st. Camera ready Copies by April 15. Proceedings will be distributed at the Conference and edited later on in @i[Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag] (To be confirmed). Social Events: -------------- A serious visit to famous French Wine Cellars will take place on Tuesday afternoon, May 21. Local Arrangements: ------------------- Jean-Marc Pallo, Laboratoire d'Informatique, BP 138, 21004 Dijon Cedex, France. Pre-Registration: ----------------- To receive further Information, you are kindly requested to return the following filled form to the Chairman for Europe (by mail, or electronic mail to Jouannaud@@SRI-CSL on arpanet): Name: Organization: Net Address: Mailing Address: I plan: To attend RTA-85 To attend maybe To submit a paper Preliminary Title of the paper: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------