[fa.arpa-bboard] Complexity Symposium

arpa-bboard@ucbvax.ARPA (10/26/84)

From: Delores Ng <NG@COLUMBIA-20.ARPA>


                             APRIL 17-19, 1985

                        Computer Science Department
                            Columbia University
                            New York, NY  10027

SUPPORT:  This symposium is supported by a grant from the System Development

SCOPE:  This multidisciplinary symposium focuses on problems which are 
approximately solved and for which optimal algorithms or complexity results
are available.  Of particular interest are distributed systems, where
limitations on information flow can cause uncertainty in the solution
of problems.  The following is a partial list of topics: distributed
computation, approximate solution of hard problems, applied mathematics, 
signal processing, numerical analysis, computer vision, remote sensing, 
fusion of information, prediction, estimation, control, decision theory,  
mathematical economics, optimal recovery, seismology, information theory, 
design of experiments, stochastic scheduling. 

INVITED SPEAKERS: The following is a list of invited speakers.

L. BLUM, Mills College                  C.H. PAPADIMITRIOU, Stanford University
J. HALPERN, IBM                         J. PEARL, UCLA
L. HURWICZ, University of Minnesota     M. RABIN, Harvard University and
                                                  Hebrew University
D. JOHNSON, AT&T - Bell Laboratories    S. REITER, Northwestern University
J. KADANE, Carnegie-Mellon University   A. SCHONHAGE, University of Tubingen
R. KARP, Berkeley                       K. SIKORSKI, Columbia University
S. KIRKPATRICK, IBM                     S. SMALE, Berkeley
K. KO, University of Houston            J.F. TRAUB, Columbia University
H.T. KUNG, Carnegie-Mellon University   G. WASILKOWSKI, Columbia University and
                                                        University of Warsaw
D. LEE, Columbia University             A.G. WERSCHULZ, Fordham University
M. MILANESE, Politecnico di Torino      H. WOZNIAKOWSKI, Columbia University
                                                     and University of Warsaw

CONTRIBUTED PAPERS:  All appropriate papers for which abstracts are contributed
will be scheduled.  To contribute a paper send title, author, affiliation, and
abstract on one side of a single 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper.


PUBLICATION:  All invited papers will appear in a new journal, JOURNAL OF
COMPLEXITY, published by Academic Press, in fall 1985.

REGISTRATION:  The symposium will be held in the Kellogg Conference Center on 
the Fifteenth Floor of the International Affairs Building, 118th Street and 
Amsterdam Avenue.  The conference schedule and paper abstracts will be 
available at the registration desk.  Registration will start at 9:00 a.m.
There is no registration charge.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:  The program schedule for invited and contributed
papers will be mailed by about March 15 only to those responding to this
account with the information requested below.  If you have any questions,
contact the Computer Science Department, Columbia University, or call
(212) 280-2736.

To help us plan for the symposium please reply to this account with the
following information.

Name: _________________________________ Affiliation: _________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________

City: __________________________ State: ______________________ Zip: __________

 ( )  I will attend the Complexity Symposium.
 ( )  I may contribute a paper.
 ( )  I may not attend, but please send program. 