[fa.arpa-bboard] call for papers: Sigmetrics '85

arpa-bboard@ucbvax.ARPA (12/08/84)

From: "Daniel A. Reed" <reed%uiucdcsb%uiuc.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>

                               Call for Papers
                      1985 ACM Sigmetrics Conference on
                Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems
                             August 26-29, 1985
                                Austin, Texas
      This conference is a forum for presenting  state-of-the-art  work
      in  both  practical  and  theoretical aspects of computer systems
      performance.  Because the conference  interprets  performance  in
      the  broadest  way, papers spanning the spectrum from the perfor-
      mance  of  single  chips  to  computer  networks  are  solicited.
      Appropriate  subjects include case studies yielding insight about
      the evaluation methodology or the system under study, new  model-
      ing  techniques addressing significant problem areas, and the use
      of performance modeling in the design of  hardware  and  software
      systems.  Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
      *   General and  special  pur-    *   Reliability modeling
          pose parallel processors
                                        *   Database systems modeling
      *   Scheduling  and   resource
          allocation in multiproces-    *   Software       performance
          sor or distributed systems        engineering
      *   Computer     communication    *   Exact   and    approximate
          networks  (local  area and        solution   algorithms  for
          long distance)                    queueing systems
      *   Comparative   studies   of    *   Parallel and vector  simu-
          architectural  or program-        lation techniques
          ming features
      By February 4, 1985, six copies of each submission must reach the
      program co-chairman:
                               Daniel A. Reed
                       Department of Computer Science
                        1304 West Springfield Avenue
                           University of Illinois
                           Urbana, Illinois  61801
      Papers should be no longer than 5000 words.   Author  identifica-
      tion  should  appear  only in a separate cover letter; all papers
      will be refereed blind.  Proceedings will be published as a  spe-
      cial issue of Performance Evaluation Review, the SIGMETRICS quar-
      terly journal.  Papers of exceptional merit will also be  submit-
      ted to a refereed journal for possible publication.
      General Chairman:    Herb Schwetman (MCC)
      Program Chairmen:    Jeffrey A. Brumfield (University of Texas)
                           Daniel A. Reed (University of Illinois)

                      Program Committee (partial list)
      Ozalp Babaoglu (Cornell Univ.)    Jane Liu (Univ. of Illinois)
      Ray Bryant (IBM/Yorktown)         Doug    Neuse     (Information
      Richard   Bunt    (Univ.    of    Research Assoc.)
      Saskatchewan)                     Charles Sauer (IBM/Austin)
      Dennis Gannon (Purdue Univ.)      Ken Sevcik (Univ. of Toronto)
      Hector Garica-Molina  (Prince-    Johnny Wong (Univ.  of  Water-
      ton Univ.)                        loo)