[fa.arpa-bboard] Call for Papers: Wrkshp on Environments for Programming-in-the-Large

arpa-bboard@ucbvax.ARPA (12/19/84)

From: "Mark Feblowitz"@csnet-relay.arpa,

                                CALL FOR PAPERS

                        Workshop in Cooperation with ACM
 Sponsored by                            Wychmere Harbor Club
 GTE Laboratories, Inc.                  Harwichport, MA (Cape Cod)
                                         June 10-12, 1985
 The engineering of Software Development  Environments for interactive software
 construction has recently made dramatic  strides forward.   This workshop will
 address the next step in the design of environments -- support for the special
 needs of very large scale applications in  all phases of the software life-cy-
 cle.   Topics of interest include:  design of modifiable environments, generic
 support for methodologies, requirements specification and prototyping,  change
 control and consistency management, transformation techniques,  formalisms for
 integrating phases of the life cycle, program-design languages,  wide-spectrum
 languages, software information databases and others as they apply to the spe-
 cial needs of programming-in-the-large.
 The workshop will  provide a forum for  the exchange of ideas  and experiences
 among researchers and practitioners active in the relevant areas.  An informal
 atmosphere is intended  to encourage the emergence of  new perspectives.   For
 the sake of these goals,  attendance will  be limited to 60-70 selected appli-
 cants representing a broad spectrum.
 Conference Chairman
   Thomas Cheatham, Harvard University
 Program Committee
   Lori Clarke, University of
   Larry Druffle, Rational Systems,
   David Leblang, Apollo Computers,
   Naftaly Minsky, Rutgers University
   Thomas Ostrand, Siemens Corporate
      Research, Inc.
   Jay Ramanathan, Ohio State
   Warren Teitleman, Sun Microsystems,
   Pamela Zave, AT&T Bell
      Laboratories, Inc.
   Stanley Zdonik, Brown University
 Local Arrangements Chairman
   Barbara Moore, GTE Laboratories
 How To Apply
 Two categories of submission are solicited:
 1. Position papers:   Not more than five double-spaced typed pages summarizing
    the author's research or project and how  it relates to the workshop theme.
    (These papers will not be published.)
 2. Papers for  publication:   Approximately  15-25 double-spaced  typed pages,
    presenting  the author's  work with  emphasis  on its  new and  significant
    aspects.   The selected  papers will be published in  the workshop proceed-
 Please send 4 copies of  a position paper or 4 copies of the  draft of a paper
 for publication to:
 Barbara G. Moore
 GTE Laboratories
 Software Environments Workshop
 40 Sylvan Road
 Waltham, MA 02254
 Submission Deadline:
      January 15, 1985
 Notification of Acceptance:
      March 20, 1985
 Camera-ready Paper Due:
      April 20, 1985
 Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign a form granting permission
 for the paper to be published  in the workshop proceedings.   Proceedings will
 be distributed at the workshop and may be purchased later from GTE.