[fa.arpa-bboard] AI/Lisp Job opening

Laird.pa@XEROX.ARPA (10/11/85)

The Soar project at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center has an immediate
opening for a programmer to assist in the creation of an advanced AI
architecture capable of supporting general intelligent behavior - of
assimilating and working on novel tasks, using diverse knowledge,
learning by experience, and reflecting on its own behavior.  Soar is a
joint project between Xerox PARC and researchers at Stanford University
and Carnegie-Mellon University, partially funded by DARPA.  The position
will involve taking responsibility for the maintenance, distribution,
and reimplementation of the Soar system.  A candidate for this position
should have a strong background in Programming Systems and Lisp, with
either a bachelors or masters degree in Computer Science (or related
experience).  The salary is competitive and negotiable, depending on
experience.  If you are interested or want more information, contact
John Laird, Xerox PARC, 3333 Coyote Hill Road, Palo Alto, CA. Arpanet: