[net.news.b] Makefiles

msc (07/07/82)

	I have submitted a set of news makefiles to net.sources.
	I find these useful for maintaining B news.  There are
	4 files news/Makefile, news/misc/Makefile, news/doc/Makefile,
	and news/man/Makefile.  They co-exist with news/src/Makefile
	which is delivered with the distribution.

	news/Makefile has two entries, all (the default) and install.
	'all' simply calls src/$(MFILE) and builds the news system.
	'install' calls src/$(MFILE) install and the other makefiles
	and does the complete installation of the B news system.

				Mark Callow
				Qume Corp.

	P.S. MFILE is either Makefile.v7 or Makefile.usg