[net.news.b] expire with rebuild history file posted

ecn-pa:ecn-pb:rick (10/27/82)

I am posting the version of expire the I am using here.
There are three options available that are not in the expire.c
that was distributed with 2.9.

-h	Ignore the history file when expiring articles
-r	Rebuild the history file instead of expiring articles.
-a	Archive the specified newsgroups

The -h is useful when you think there are files in the spool
directory that are not in the history file (You will be
surprised how many there are). I run it every month or so.

The -r flag is used to recover from disasters. It uses the same 
method as -h, but rebuild the history file instead. it
even handles articles submitted to multiple newsgroups 
(that was a real bitch to get working).

The -a flag is used if you want to archive selectiv newsgroups.
With 2.9, it was all or nothing. I use it like:
	expire -a -n net.unix-wizards,......

The -h & -r flag look in the .../lib/active file for the
newsgroups to search when looking for the articles.

This runs on a 4.1bsd Vax and a V7 11/70.
The only "strange" thing I did was use the 4.2bsd directory reading
routines that were posted a few months ago. Since I know
most people didnt save them, I will repost them.

There are 3 files in net.sources:
	expire.8	updated manual page
	expire.c	source
	ndir		the directory reading routines

Rick Adams