george (11/08/82)
I am using version "defs.h 2.9 6/26/82". As most people know, when submitting an article there is no escape to an editor. [If there are any incantations to get an editor, make them public.] I have assumed that this is a recognized deficit and is apt to be corrected eventually. Because of the lack of editor escape, I normally compose replies outside of readnews and manually submit them to postnews. This requires my simulating the header fields, newsgroup, title, references. This permits much opportunity for typos and oversights. Today, I had a reply (idis.156) that was so simple that I did not think that I would need an editor. I tried the "f" response to readnews. Inews rejected it, telling me that I did not really want to post that article. Searching through inews.c, I found that this was apparently because my submission was too short. I can't use "f" on long articles because there is no editor escape. I can't use "f" on short articles because they are rejected. What is "f" used for? Am I doing something wrong? Of course, I know that I could hack up the sources or try to get my site to install notesfile. George Rosenberg duke!mcnc!idis!george decvax!idis!george floyd!idis!george
trb (11/09/82)
My favorite interface for inputting netnews (and I do that alot) is ittvax!swatt's sendnewsmail shell script. A typical netnews input session would look like this: ----- % mail news Subject: my favorite netnews input My favorite interface for inputting netnews (and I do that alot) is ittvax!swatt's sendnewsmail shell script. A typical netnews input session would look like this: ... ^D ----- This uses Berkeley Mail, with the mailbox "news" aliased to swatt's program. Sendnewsmail pulls the newsgroup name out of the Subject field and passes the message properly to inews. Presto. The utility of Berkeley Mail and the readership of netnews. What more could a man want? Acually, it's not perfect - I think it has trouble saving dead.articles if they are going to a bogus newsgroup or something, but I use it all the time. For following up, I just survive with my EDITOR env variable throwing me into vi. The sendnewsmail script should be in the netnews src/misc directory, or swatt can post it if demand demands. Andy Tannenbaum Bell Labs Whippany, NJ (201) 386-6491
george (11/09/82)
References: idis.157 floyd.800
First Andy does not answer the question "What is f used for?".
He does address the relevant issue of how to submit followup
I found a copy of Swatt's script.
>From what I understand, there is no substantial
difference between it and postnews.
With postnews one types the newsgroup, title, and references manually.
With the described method of using sendnewsmail
the newsgroup and title are typed manually (see Andy's example below).
Presumably reference lines have to be supplied manually in the body.
But, if the sendnewsmail script could resolve references,
a similarly modified postnews script should be able to resolve them.
% mail news
Subject: my favorite netnews input
My favorite interface for inputting netnews (and I do that alot) is
ittvax!swatt's sendnewsmail shell script. A typical netnews input
session would look like this:
George Rosenberg
dmmartindale (11/09/82)
'f' is actually quite usable for submitting followup articles if you use the editor escape which IS available. If you read the documentation for the followup command which is part of readnews(1), it says that if the environment variable EDITOR is set to the pathname of an editor, that will be called to let you compose your followup. I use /usr/ucb/ex because it lets me go into 'vi' mode if I wish. If you use /bin/ed you have to ignore the initial error you get from trying to edit a file which doesn't exist yet. Postnews will also call this EDITOR whenever you post an article. However, I never actually use either postnews or inews to generate original news articles (not followups) anymore. On systems with Berkeley's delivermail, there is a much better way. In the 'misc' directory of your news distribution you will find a file called 'sendnewsmail'. If you install this somewhere and set up an alias in /usr/lib/aliases so that all mail sent to (for example) 'sendnews' is actually piped through this shell script, it will strip out title and newsgroup information from the Subject line and then call inews on the rest. So to post an article to net.general and net.flame titled "enough hamburgers", I would do: mail sendnews ~s enough hamburgers: net.general,net.flame <body of article - I'll spare you my opinion> EOT Of course, all the usual escapes for editing the message are available, and you can even mail something to a list of people and post it in one swell foop (if the people don't mind the funny-looking Subject: line). Anyway, you really don't have to suffer with raw postnews. There are better tools available. Even if you don't have delivermail, you can use EDITOR. Dave Martindale PS: my /usr/lib/aliases entry is simply: sendnews:"|/usr/lib/news/sendnewsmail"
mark (11/09/82)
There is indeed an editor arrangement for version 2.9 news. What you do is put EDITOR=/usr/ucb/vi in your environment. Then postnews and followup will automatically put you in that editor instead of having you type it directly in. Perhaps this should be the default. Mark
sjb (11/10/82)
If you set the EDITOR shell (or csh) variable to the path of your favorite editor, followup and postnews will throw you into that to prepare your article. You can then write, edit, check spelling (!spell), etc. You must remember though to write out the editor buffer before quitting.