[net.news.b] 'Date:' problem help?

cunningh@noscvax.UUCP (03/07/84)

Is the craziness in the 'Date:' field below a well-known bug I don't
have the fix to, a side effect of not being in a "standard" time zone,
or just something I've overlooking in installing news?

 Relay-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site islenet.UUCP
 Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site islenet.UUCP
 Path: islenet!bob
 From: bob@islenet.UUCP (bob)
 Newsgroups: general
 Subject: local test of postnews
 Message-ID: <49@islenet.UUCP>
 Date: Wed, 31-Dec-69 13:59:59-1000
 Date-Received: Mon, 5-Mar-84 23:02:09-1000
 Organization: Islenet Inc., Honolulu

The 'Date-Received:' field is absolutely correct.  If it matters,
I'm trying to configure the news software on a 68000 machine running
Unisoft's V7 and csh.

Please send any hints via mail to:  ...vortex!islenet!bob

Bob Cunningham
Bob Cunningham (mail: ...vortex!islenet!bob)