[net.news.b] Vnews bugs

storm@diku.UUCP (Kim Fabricius Storm) (08/17/84)

[potion of aggravate bug]

Somebody posted a message a while ago telling that vnews
has a mechanism to avoid showing a message posted on several 
groups more than once even across several calls to vnews:
  it only shows the message in the first group found in the
  Newsgroups-list to which one subscribes.

Sadly, there is a bug in vnews which can break this great idea.
(At least in the version of news 2.10.1 we have here).

	Either some messages sent to multiple groups will be shown
	more than once, or some messages will never be shown
	(not both).
	Use vnews for a couple of days subscribing to a lot
	of groups (more than one!).  If the same message shows
	up in more than one group you have the first version
	of the bug.  If some messages never show up you have the
	second version of the bug.  However, the fastest thing
	to do is to take a look at the source.
	At the bottom of the file visual.c (or n.visual.c whichever
	you are using) you will probably find one of these lines:

   && ((i = findrcline(g)) < 0 && index(rcline[i], '!') == NULL) {
   && ((i = findrcline(g)) < 0 || index(rcline[i], '!') == NULL) {

	Both of these tests are wrong! The correct test is:

 && ((i = findrcline(g)) >= 0 && index(rcline[i], NEGCHAR) == NULL)) { 
                         ^^   ^^                  ^^^^^^^

Another bug:
	The reply command in vnews doesn't work.
	In /usr/lib/news/reply:
	change  recmail <$1
	to      /usr/lib/news/recmail <$1

We are red, we are white, we are Danish dynamite.

Kim F. Storm
Institute of Datalogy, University of Copenhagen