mouse@mcgill-vision.UUCP (07/13/86)
Whatever happened to AUTONEWNG? I discovered when I started reading `junk' (I got curious) that was missing on our system (dunno how, or even whether this is an "approved" group, but plenty of people were posting to it...). Of course I created it (locally!), but I was wondering why it hadn't been created, since I was sure I'd configured news with AUTONEWNG turned on. Once I looked at defs.h, I discovered that 2.10.3 doesn't *have* AUTONEWNG! Why not? Or is it there, and if so, any idea how I missed it? Fgrep for AUTO in *.h turned up nothing (in 2.10.1 news, the previous version we were running, it was there....). -- der Mouse USA: {ihnp4,decvax,akgua,utzoo,etc}!utcsri!mcgill-vision!mouse philabs!micomvax!musocs!mcgill-vision!mouse Europe: mcvax!decvax!utcsri!mcgill-vision!mouse mcvax!seismo!cmcl2!philabs!micomvax!musocs!mcgill-vision!mouse ARPAnet: utcsri!mcgill-vision! "Come with me a few minutes, mortal, and we shall talk."