[net.aviation] control zones revisited

ark (05/12/82)

My message of this afternoon reveals a little naivete on my part,
in assuming that if I ask the FAA a question about aviation
regulations I will get a correct answer.  After I sent out that
message I went and looked it up in the FARs (I didn't have a copy
handy at the time).  Unless the regulations have changed since my
edition was published, my reading reveals the following:

Summarized from FAR 91.105 and FAR91.107:  To operate within a
control zone under VFR without a special VFR clearance, basic VFR
minimums apply.  These are:

	You must remain 500 feet below, 1000 feet above,
	and 2000 feet to the side of any clouds.

	The flight visibility must be at least 3 statute miles.

	If taking off from, landing at, or working the pattern
	at an airport with weather observations, the ground
	visibility must be at least 3 statute miles.

	If working below a ceiling, the ceiling must be at
	least 1000 feet. (ceiling = broken or overcast layer)

	If > 10000 MSL and > 1200 AGL, you must remain 1000 feet
	above or below, and one mile to the side of clouds.
	Flight visibility must also be 5 statute miles.

As far as I can tell, if you have the above weather minimums and
you remain outside the airport traffic area, you do not require
other clearance to enter the control zone.  If you don't have the
basic weather requirements, you can get a Special VFR clearance,
which lets you operate down to one mile visibility, clear of
clouds.  Night SVFR requires an instrument rating.

Please understand that this is only my reading of the
regulations.  They are complicated, and I might be wrong.  If you
have anything to add, I'd like to hear it.